Sunday 17 March 2013

Part 5: Research - Inspiring Infographics

I started this exercise by searching for some good and creative infographics. This is an important part in graphic design as it combines many aspects of graphic design. It should be understandable, readable, engaging enough to draw attention. Therefore there are certain things that designer should bear on mind if he tackle into it. I think Harry Beck’s London Underground map works great in its simplicity and accessibility so it is understood why it became a standard when it comes to this type of infographics. I came across to interesting examples which also emerged from some interesting ideas.

This is also one interesting infographic which presents information in very metaphorically engaging and creative way. Number 20 is placed in white-orange lifebelt which makes it notable. This is some kind of diagram where year numbers are on Y axis and all sinking boats are positioned according to them. Hierarchy also plays important role here as we can easily notice which bankruptcy is the greatest.

This is a graphic representation of items which became cheaper during the time as they have grown rate slower than inflation which make them cheaper than they used to be ten years ago. I like the use of limited color palette and I think these two values works good together creating both dynamic and harmony.

What attracted me here the most is its simplicity and good hierarchy. Designer made this map using only white and two shades of blue. Typography is placed in white rounded rectangles and we can see good hierarchy here as he emphasized all important information. Dark blue circle with “Let’s get started” and the logo inside, creates good visual dynamic both because of its dark color as well for its shape.

This is simple interesting map which is actually guide for the best rock n roll places. I like its colorful paths which makes it very readable and accessible. Bold black and white title creates visual dynamic with other vivid colours and it is suitable for rock n roll concept.

This is a good example where typographic hierarchy plays important role in reading information. Design is simple with limited color palette. Visual dynamic is accomplished with hierarchy, colors and different shapes.

I like the combination of simple illustrations and small chunks of text. Titles are distinctive, brown, in sans serif. Small chunks of text are also brown but there is difference in weight, font family and size that creates visual dynamic and harmony.

The intention of this design is to point on polution and piling a waste. The robot is made of different devices whose percentage in waste are shown on right. Some countries find a solution for this problem in transporting it overseas which is also illustrated with those three trucks on a right.

This is an inspiring design, very rich with limited color palette. I like the old paper effect and these earthy tones. Number 500 is filled with range of elements and logos so its richness and simplicity of other elements create a good visual harmony.

The simple and vivid illustration which uses bright colors symbolically represents a growing the Apple Company. It shows beginning from the lowest branch to the final modern technology on the top. A good use of color values makes it live and harmonious.

This information graphic is about clearing the air and shows the area of carbon pollution which is illustrated like dark shade areas. Electricity and water are symbolically represented with water drop and light bulb. I like the contrasts on image; light sky, dark brown city on the bottom, and the map in yellow and earthy tones with darker shades. I especially like the light text boxes.

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