Monday 18 March 2013

Part 5: Tables and forms - Inspiring examples

I came across to many versions of periodic table while I was researching tables and forms but this one looks interesting as an idea. The use of tables is widespread and we often regard them in more conventional way so this typographic periodic table is authentic.

This is an interesting vivid design with a some form of table. I like the fact that tabs are displayed as a book spines lined up next to each other. Colorful tabs create good visual dynamic along with whitespace and devices.

This is a more conventional use of tables for a web design purpose but it is neat, clean with a good hierarchy providing all important information. I like the way how black and grey are interspersed with vivid and subtle shades of colors creating a good contrast.

This is an interesting infographic that uses among others tabular presentation of information. I like the harmonious contrast that creates dark blue and pink with all their values.

This is a tabular  presentation  in a form of book content. I like contrast between modern serif and narrow sans serif. Crucial information are very distinctive and all look neat.

This is a very interesting design based on tabular presentation. Obvious typographic hierarchy emphasizes the importance of information while vibrant colors provide a visual dynamic.

I like this non conventional tabular design. Unlike neat and tidy rows and columns, this one has uneven rows, resembling to paper cuttings. I also like the visual contrast and authentic hand crafted typography in soft pink irregular shape. It looks like a hand made collage. 

This is also a very interesting and authentic design. I love the idea, colors, and text around bold numbers. It all creates one harmonious unity.

This infographic is interesting in its graphic presentation. It looks like cards lined up in three rows. Different elements contribute to the richness in this limited color palette design.

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