Monday 15 April 2013

Part 5: Assignment 5 - Brief

Abigail’s party 


Background information:
As I had an opportunity to watch Abigail’s party on You Tube I could get a feeling about this satirical play that portrays aspirations and taste of middle class in Britain. It is interesting that it doesn’t just depict middle class in England; I would say it also describes middle class in 70’ in general. Fashion, taste, aspirations are very similar among people of that era so I could easily find all those elements here, through various books, movies, TV shows and stories that depict that time. Main characters are Beverly Moss and her husband Laurence who invite their new neighbors Angela and Tony as well as Sue, whose 15 years old daughter Abigail holding a party back in the house. Although title of the play is Abigail’s party, Abigail is nowhere to be seen. Plot is about this small gathering of new neighbors. Sue as a divorced mother of 15 years old daughter expected a more conventional party with a dinner and instead she jumped into steamy atmosphere full of alcohol that additionally, among others, increased her fears and worries about her daughter’ party. As alcohol takes more control over the characters, they became more open dismissing their restraint. Beverly became to flirt with Tony in front of her and husband who eventually after a numerous embarrassing and stressful situations ended up with fatal heart attack. After a kindness and restraint at the beginning we can see how slowly under the influence of alcohol all characters show their real personality and frustrations and that is the core of this play; to see who they are really and in in what state of mind they are actually when they threw off their masks.

Project overview:
I have been asked to produce a poster (A3 portrait), a flyer (A5 landscape, double-sided), and newspaper advert (A6) to promote their event. They would also like their A5 programme cover. I also need to invent dates, times, places, names and other information relevant and required. The most important thing is that design has to have that retro 70’ feel which means that I should explore a range of various 70’ designs, along with trends and colors in order to depict this play properly. I have already found some inspiring posters on internet and I have visited one very interesting exhibition which is related to this subject.

Prime objective:
My prime objective is to evoke that 70’s feel along with aspirations and preoccupations of main characters. I have to find a way to visually intrigue audience by dropping a hint about plot of the play. I also have to pay attention to some crucial details that makes a framework of this play. I need to keep consistency throughout my designs.

Target market:
These are both young and older people. Young ones who want to get a feel about life in 70’so they could better understand nowadays situation making a parallel between those two eras. They can see how human nature remains the same in its endeavors to show off in better than it is. Older audience can trigger memories about that time and to conclude the same as young ones. It is important to say that this show which is written in 70’s is actually understandable even after 40 years.

About design:
As I said I will explore the design of 70’s starting from movie posters to music, fashion, furniture design, trends and colors. I will pay special attention to typography as a one of the key elements.

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