Monday 8 April 2013

Part 5: Research - Inspiring logo design

This is logo for Barefoot Baroque and I like its simplicity and elegancy. It is also intelligent way of  visual communication where two different elements are combined to make a perfect harmony.

Yet another fantastic logo for cafe which perfectly matches two crucial  concepts into one fluid unity. I also like limited color palette and this little retro feeling accompanied with good typography.

This logo was a starting point of my inspiration when I needed to develop Chance Housing Association logo. I love how typography is incorporated into this elegant fence making it one solid unit.

I love the idea how author of this work presented G. This simple design is so smart and effective. The proof that less is more.

This is a logo for wellness and massage center. Another brilliant simple artwork that bonded two different elements in such a smart way.

Source: The book "Really Good Logos explained"

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