Friday 12 April 2013

Part 5: Exercise - The French Hen

This is my final logo. I initially wanted to use the left one but when I placed it on menu, signage outside and on the rest it looked more pink so I decided to use this darker shade (mauve). I had a doubt about readability as I thought that HEN is not so readable because it is in black. I used script font Ballerina Pro Regular for the word French and Old Baskerville for HEN. This combination of typefaces gave me the best visual dynamic. I was also conceraned about strokes as it sometimes seems that it might look better if the stroke was thinner but my friends and family told me to leave it the way it is.

I used for mockups images found on internet which I retouched in Photoshop and added my logo on. This is my way to potray how it might look like if this was a real task.

Image sources: 
*I used these images only in educational purposes.

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