Monday 15 April 2013

Part 5: Assignment 5 -Research

I started my working process by exploring the range of posters of 70’s era. There are some very inspiring and valuable collections found on the internet where I can get real feeling of what was the trademark of that period when it comes to design.

I love custom made posters with authentic hand drawn typography so the 70’s are realm of that kind of art. I came across to some legendary movie posters which helped me to better direct myself toward the final goal.


I like this poster for its interesting red bleeding letters and a picture of red luscious woman's lips.  

This is a poster for legendary movie "One flew over cuckoo nest". The picture of Jack Nicholson in front of wire fence represent a good teaser for a movie. I also like this distinctive hand crafted typography.

I really like how this poster is illustrated. It is vibrant and colorful and I also like hand made typography  that goes very well with rest of the composition. I especially like the effect of letters on curved line between hands.

This is one simple poster based on photography of two main actors. I like those black and white retro picture and letters that create visual dynamic both as a combination of different typefaces as well as color combination.

This poster is the most impressive. Donald Sutherland's head in black and a vibrant illustration that comes out from it create a perfect dynamic. I also like those interesting letters.

Here I like great contrast and striking big title in red. Black and white illustration of a standing woman is in the forefront and the rest of illustration is in dark and yellow. I like this effect where two subtle but different illustrations together create beautiful contrast with bold and striking title. I would love to have this poster on my wall.

Another good poster with great contrasting elements. There is a car in black and yellow and a man as a silver figure that stands on the top of the hood. Everything is spiced with interesting typography in black and blue. 

This is a poster for a horor movie Baron Blood from 1972. I like the way composition was made with elements that hint a terror caused by this sadistic monster on a right hand side. Hand crafted interesting typography works very well with all other elements.

This is simple poster with a main actor Michael Cane in the forefront. I like the way his illustration is cobined with dark silhouette which draws attention to actor itself.

This is a complex illustration that consists of many elements but everything fit so well that it makes a great dynamic and harmony. The vibrant illustration of a man is in the forefront while women faces are back creating the subtle background. I also like the hand-drawn title.

These types of 3D typograhy is a characteristic of 70's and I like it. This is an action comedy movie Blazing Saddles so the letters look really blazing. Ilike the illustration and subtle orange tones that work well with a blue sky.

Another poster for Blazing Saddles but in different style. Black and yellow of the poster are interspersed with these pink 3D letters and script typeface on white ribbon.

I like how Faye Dunaway goes out from smoke of the cigarette that is held by Jack Nicholson. I also like color diversity of those two characters in black background accompanied wth yellow title. 

Another legendary movie that deserved and got a vey good poster. I like use of whitespace that draws attention to central illustration. I also like combination of typefaces here.

This is one of the best posters in 70's. I like the idea of head that resembles on rising sun and the red letters in persepective on a black ground. Everything works well from smart idea, hierarchy, to colors.

This illustration reminds me on Roy Lichtenstein's style and pop art. It portrays Michael Cane that holds a gun and woman and man inside that tube hinting the plot of the movie. I also lie illustrated letters in perspective.

Here I like designer's good use of different values in order to emhasize some elements such as eyes. This is example of richness which is achieved using different shades of gray along with slightly futuristic blue letters.

I especially like this hand drawn letters which are in focus. Olivia Newton John and John Travolta are placed on top of the title and the rest is a whitespace which works well by drawing attention to these few vivid elements.

I like these 3D letters which are dominant element of this poste. I also like how they are combined with this illustration making a good contrast both with the rest of the colors and white space.

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