Friday 12 April 2013

Part 5: Exhibition - The History of Advertisment in Vojvodina

Vojvodina is autonomous province of Serbia which was in past a part of Austro-Hungarian Empire that collapsed in 1918. The largest ethnic groups are Serbs and Hungarians and this exhibition is about the beginning of advertisement in Vojvodina. 

I must say it made a big impression on me and I found those advertisements more interesting than these modern ones. First of all it was all custom-made by old artists and artisans. Illustrations and letters that are hand crafted have more authenticity and warmth than those from digital era. I especially like the text in advertisement that was often in form of interesting rhymes and some of them were actually small cute poems.  And generally what I like the most about these old advertisements is their clarity when it comes to messages. For a moment I had an impression that I was transferred to another time. I also had an opportunity to watch a one of the first video advertising but unfortunately I couldn’t capture it.







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